Tuesday, March 17, 2015

ARB 10800472 Fridge Freezer- 50 Quart, Durable simple efficient. in my opinion

A week ago. I search for information on the ARB 10800472 Fridge Freezer- 50 Quart, so i would like to describe here.

ARB 10800472 Fridge Freezer- 50 Quart

ARB fridge freezers are the ideal way to keep your food and beverages chilled or frozen on your 4x4 adventures regardless of ambient conditions. Not to be confused with less effective 12 volt 'coolers' the ARB unit is a true refrigerator/freezer. Own one and you'll never again find your lunch water-logged by shifting ice and there'll always be a cold drink on hand during the .... Read more or Check Price

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Customer Reviews Purchased this product

Work beyond my expectations. Cools very fast and then stays cool without running for a long time before they had to cycle. by Tom lynch

I have two units that I have had for more than two years never had any problems what so ever. Have been retired for several years and traveling the country for salmon fishing at times ... by Dan Lantin

works great. I got it and it's cold. I insert myself into the 12 volt outlet that came in the vehicle. I did not put any special wiring . by ranman

Uses very little energy. very satisfied. Durable high-quality beautiful seal tight lid and easy to clean. The controls are simple and well forward facing and elegantly built. by Ian


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